About Our Practice
We believe that a minimally invasive approach works best. In other words, we only treat what is medically necessary and will not promote unneeded or excessive dental procedures. Our philosophy is based on the desire for patients to maintain healthy teeth into advanced age and realize a conservative approach is more beneficial in the long run.
At our office, you will find doctors who are "physicians of the mouth," not tooth technicians who simply "drill and fill." Your life-long dental health is of the utmost importance to us.
At your initial visit, our staff will assess your level of risk for tooth decay. The next step is to help you make the changes needed to reduce the factors leading to additional decay and help you manage any disease that may be an underlying factor in potential tooth loss.
We believe that intercepting the causes of decay can be your most valuable asset in preventing serious dental issues down the line.
It has been a dream to see our vision manifest in physical space. We dreamed of providing an office that matched our dedication to comfort and care - and were so proud to open the doors to our new and improved space in 2018. We are looking forward to welcoming you!

New building, same thoughtful care
Sandvick DDS and Associates: over 40 years of experience.